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Ko ņemt vērā pirms kontaktlēcu lietošanas?

Dažkārt, veicot redzes pārbaudi pie acu aprūpes speciālista, tiek konstatēts, ka nepieciešami redzes korekcijas līdzekļi – brilles vai kontaktlēcas. Ja brilles tik daudz neskaidrības nerada, tad kontaktlēcas gan var radīt daudz jautājumu. Kā izvēlēties? Ko ņemt vērā pirms kontaktlēcu lietošanas? Par to vairāk raksta turpinājumā. 

Uzticieties speciālistam 

Šobrīd kontaktlēcas ir pieejamas plašā izvēlē, taču tas nenozīmē, ka tās vajadzētu iegādāties pašam – bez iepriekšējas konsultēšanās ar speciālistu. Arī tad, ja iepriekš ir bijušas brilles un nu ir vēlme pamēģināt kontaktlēcas, pirms to iegādes ir jāveic nepieciešamās pārbaudes. 

Kontaktlēcas kā piemērotu redzes korekcijas līdzekli izraksta acu aprūpes speciālists – optometrists vai acu ārsts. Tas tiek darīts, ņemot vērā redzes pārbaudes rezultātus. Vizītes laikā speciālists arī parāda to, kā kontaktlēcas lietot, kā arī informē par to lietošanas un kopšanas prasībām. 

Atkārtota vizīte tiek ieplānota pēc aptuveni mēneša. Tās laikā ārsts vai optometrists pārliecinās, ka izvēlētās lēcas patiešām atbilst pacienta individuālajām prasībām. Arī gadījumā, ja pēc laika ir plānots izvēlēties citas kontaktlēcas, ieteicams vispirms konsultēties ar speciālistu – vislabāk uzraugošo ārstu vai optometristu. 

Labākās lēcas ātri un ērti pērc internetā

Tad, kad ar speciālista palīdzību būs izvēlētas piemērotākās kontaktlēcas, kā arī veikta atkārtota vizīte, lai pārliecinātos, ka lēcas ir tas labākais ilgtermiņa risinājums, turpmāk ātri, ērti un vienkārši varēsiet iegādāties kontaktlēcas internetā – vietnē Izvēloties uzticamu tirgotāju, saņemsiet drošas un pārbaudītas kontaktlēcas, neuztraucoties par to kvalitāti. 

Dr.Lensor piedāvājumā ir labākās kontaktlēcas no plaši atzītiem zīmoliem – Dailies, Air Optix, Biofinity un citiem. Klientu ērtībām tiek nodrošināts arī kontaktlēcu abonements – tas nozīmē, ka kontaktlēcas reizi mēnesī vai trīs mēnešos tiek nosūtītas uz izvēlēto pakomātu vai klientu jau gaida optikas salonā. Šādai opcijai ir vairākas priekšrocības – tā ir iespēja savlaicīgi saņemt jaunas lēcas, kā arī saņemt izdevīgāku piedāvājumu, neveicot pirmo iemaksu, bez saistībām. 

Tāpat pārdošanā ir arī kontaktlēcu kopšanas līdzekļi, saulesbrilles, datorbrilles un citas noderīgas preces acu veselībai un labsajūtai. 

Dalies ar šo rakstu

Uz sarakstu neatbild pievienotajiem lasītāju komentāriem, kā arī aicina portāla lasītājus, rakstot komentārus, ievērot morāles un pieklājības normas, nekurināt un neaicināt uz rasu naidu, iztikt bez rupjībām. Lūguma neievērošanas gadījumā patur tiesības liegt komentēšanas iespēju. Komentāros publicējamā teksta garums ir ierobežots līdz 1000 zīmēm. Nereģistrētiem lietotājiem ir aizliegta HTML un hipersaišu publicēšana!
Komentāri (25)
Anonīms [Anonīms] Sestdiena, 29. jūnijā, 2024, 16:24

HI, * I came across your website and noticed some opportunities to enhance its online presence. -As a seasoned SEO expert, I've helped numerous businesses like yours increase their online visibility by over 50% within the first six months. * I'd love to discuss how I can help your business achieve remarkable results. Would you have 5 minutes to explore how my services can drive more traffic and conversions? * Here's a complimentary service I'd like to offer you: Free Website Analysis: I'll conduct an in-depth analysis of your website to identify areas for improvement, including keyword research, content optimization, and technical SEO. My services include: 1. SEO Audit and Optimization: I'll conduct a thorough audit of your website's technical and content aspects, and provide recommendations for improvement to increase your online visibility and drive more traffic. 2. Keyword Research: I'll help you identify the most relevant and high-traffic keywords to optimize your content for search engines...

Anonīms [Anonīms] Piektdiena, 21. jūnijā, 2024, 21:23

HI, I came across your website and noticed some opportunities to enhance its online presence. As a seasoned SEO expert, I've helped numerous businesses like yours increase their online visibility by over 50% within the first six months. I'd love to discuss how I can help your business achieve remarkable results. Would you have 5 minutes to explore how my services can drive more traffic and conversions? Here's a complimentary service I'd like to offer you: Free Website Analysis: I'll conduct an in-depth analysis of your website to identify areas for improvement, including keyword research, content optimization, and technical SEO. My services include: 1. SEO Audit and Optimization: I'll conduct a thorough audit of your website's technical and content aspects, and provide recommendations for improvement to increase your online visibility and drive more traffic. 2. Keyword Research: I'll help you identify the most relevant and high-traffic keywords to optimize your content for search engines...

Anonīms [Anonīms] Ceturtdiena, 20. jūnijā, 2024, 01:24

Greetings * I recently visited your website and couldn't help but notice a few areas where it could be improved. ~ As a professional SEO analyst, I've seen firsthand how a well-crafted online strategy can make a significant difference in driving traffic and increasing visibility. * Would you have 5 minutes to discuss how I can help your business achieve remarkable results? ~ I've successfully helped numerous businesses like yours increase their online visibility by over 50% within the first six months. * To get started, I'd like to offer you one complimentary service for FREE. * My services include: 1. In-depth website analysis to identify areas for improvement 2. Keyword research to optimize your content for search engines 3. Customized SEO strategies to drive more traffic and conversions 4. And many more tailored to suit your unique needs ~ By implementing simple yet impactful steps based on my professional SEO analysis, we can start seeing results in just a few weeks...

Anonīms [Anonīms] Ceturtdiena, 20. jūnijā, 2024, 01:24

Greetings * I recently visited your website and couldn't help but notice a few areas where it could be improved. ~ As a professional SEO analyst, I've seen firsthand how a well-crafted online strategy can make a significant difference in driving traffic and increasing visibility. * Would you have 5 minutes to discuss how I can help your business achieve remarkable results? ~ I've successfully helped numerous businesses like yours increase their online visibility by over 50% within the first six months. * To get started, I'd like to offer you one complimentary service for FREE. * My services include: 1. In-depth website analysis to identify areas for improvement 2. Keyword research to optimize your content for search engines 3. Customized SEO strategies to drive more traffic and conversions 4. And many more tailored to suit your unique needs ~ By implementing simple yet impactful steps based on my professional SEO analysis, we can start seeing results in just a few weeks...

Anonīms [Anonīms] Ceturtdiena, 02. maijā, 2024, 12:58

WordPress Website Speed Optimization More Details: Is your WordPress website feeling sluggish? Are slow loading times driving visitors away and harming your online presence? Our WordPress Website Speed Optimization Service is here to help! Why Choose Us for Speed Optimization? ✅ Expertise: Our team of WordPress experts has years of experience fine-tuning websites for maximum speed and performance. We know the ins and outs of WordPress optimization. ✅ Lightning-Fast Loading: We’re obsessed with speed. Our experts will optimize your site to ensure it loads in the blink of an eye. Fast websites keep visitors engaged and reduce bounce rates. ✅ Improved User Experience: A slow website frustrates users. We’ll enhance the overall user experience, making your site more enjoyable to navigate. ✅ Higher Search Engine Rankings: Google loves fast websites. We’ll work on improving your site’s speed, which can lead to higher search engine rankings and more organic traffic...